1) pwd command
Use the "pwd" command to find out the path of the current working directory. This command will return an absolute path
2) ls command
we use "ls" command to know what files are in the directory we are in. we can also see content of other directory's path
By typing "ls-a" it will show all hidden files in the directories
By typing "ls-R" it will show the hidden files
By typing "ls-al" it will list the files and directories with detailed information
3)mkdir command
we use "mkdir" command to when we want to create a new folder or a directory
4) rmdir command
we use "rmdir" command to remove a directory. Note that it only allow us to remove a empty directory
5) rm command
we use "rm" command to delete directory and it's contents within them "rm-r". when we are using this command always check that we are selected correct directory which we want to delete there is no undo option
6) touch command
we use "touch" command to create a new blank file
7) cd command
we use "cd" command to go to directories
8) cp command
we use "cp" command to copy files.
There are two arguments- First is location of the files is to be copied and the second one is where the files is to copied
9) mv command
we use "mv" command to move the files
"mv" command also used to rename a file
10) cat command
we use "cat" command to content of a file on the standard output