SEO Check Free SEO analysis online

SEO Check Free SEO analysis online

The on-page result of our IONOS SEO-Check shows you broken links, the number of headings that need improvement, page titles to be optimized and page descriptions. Correspondingly, a good result shows correctly selected headings, page titles and descriptions that are neither too long nor too short or duplicated. On top of that, the SEO-Checker shows you whether there are any incorrect links. The following sections explain in detail what the individual aspects are all about and what you have to pay attention to. Links A link is a more common expression for the IT term "hyperlink, behind which a cross-reference is hidden in a hypertext: Links are core components of the World Wide Web and link individual websites with one another. 

This allows users to move comfortably through the network. A distinction is made between internal links that enable navigation within a website and external links or so-called backlinks that refer from one website to another. Backlinks are especially important because they are rated by the search engines as a recommendation that speaks for the linked website. In onpage optimization, on the other hand, internal links are an important factor: These can be used to create a user-friendly page structure and a logical hierarchy, which is also rewarded by the web crawlers (also known as robots, spiders or search  bots) of the search engines. The assumption is: the easier it is for crawlers to follow an internal link structure, the easier it is for human visitors to find their way around. Our IONOS SEO-Check reliably checks your website for links, evaluates them and provides you with specific data. In the onpage result, you can see at a glance how many broken links there are on your page. On this basis you can strengthen and optimize your internal links. 

Page title A page title is an important HTML tag. It is at the beginning of an HTML document and before other metadata. The title is of particular importance for the crawlers of search engines: They are displayed as headings in the search engine result list - the so-called SERPs (“Search Engine Result Pages). The length of the title is important here. At Google, they are calculated using the number of pixels available - not the number of characters. If the characters in your title exceed the maximum number of possible pixels, they will be cut off using ugly ellipses (“...). Meaningful titles usually contain the provider name and the relevant keyword for the search query. Our IONOS SEO check helps you analyze your page titles. In the on-page results, you can quickly see which titles are already search engine-friendly and which you should still optimize towards the h6, where the "h" stands for "heading". This allows the different text levels to be named and structured. Above all, the higher-level headings at the beginning of an HTML document are important from an SEO point of view: Here, relevant keywords immediately show the reader and the search engine what the subject of the respective text is. With a clearly defined headline, you are guaranteed a positive SEO signal. Headings should also be as short, concise and informative as possible. 

Use the IONOS SEO-Checker to find out online how your headings are performing from the point of view of search engines and where there is still need for optimization. Page descriptions In addition, the page descriptions ("meta descriptions)" are checked by our SEO analysis. You will receive important information about the search engine-friendly optimization of this meta tag: The page description is displayed in the SERPs on Google or Bing below the title. It summarizes the content of the page briefly and meaningfully. The meta description is therefore an important aspect for SEO as well as for the click behavior of potential visitors. In terms of SEO, the meta description should always be unique and not longer than about 160 characters in order not to be cut off by the search engine. The meta description can contain special characters that arouse the reader's interest. Mentioning the provider name and discreetly used keywords serve both search engine optimization - since they are highlighted in the SERPs - and the orientation of potential visitors. In the on-page result of the IONOS SEO-Checker you can see, for example, how many of your pages may not have a description at all or how many duplicated and therefore search engine unfriendly description texts you may use. You will also receive information on the correct length of your page descriptions.

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